Canada\’s Greatest Western Town: Final Two!


Here we are – the final two!


Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, also known as the Old Cowboy Town faces off against Ponoka, Alberta, a town rich in rodeo and western heritage.

The Final Two round is now underway with only two days to cast your votes and round up a posse of supporters for your town. The rules remain simple. Vote ONCE for ONE town, and your vote must be cast in the Comments section of this blog post. Get the word out by sharing our Facebook posts, or using the hashtag #greatestwesterntown. Do it soon, as voting for this round ends very quickly – midnight August 9.


1,646 thoughts on “Canada\’s Greatest Western Town: Final Two!”

  1. Cindy Wilinski

    MAPLE CREEK!!!! Maple Creek has a rich history of ranching, rodeo and amazing ranch horse production. True west out there, miles and miles of pasture and no neighbours for miles….takes you back 100 years.
    Sorry Ponoka…you are in Alberta and you do have that.amazing.arena….but gotta go with Maple Creek! 🙂

  2. Maple Creek, Saskatchewan – miss the good ol’ cowtown – forever near and dear to my heart!!

  3. The Duke Girling of Dunmore

    Maple Creek is cowboy country, Ponoka is rodeo country, Maple Creek is my vote.

  4. This vote is a tough one on one hand you got 5 fingers and on the other….. Guess ill vote maple creek

  5. Brad Jones