Western Horse Review

“You can put that in the record books as the greatest bronc riding there’s ever been and I’ve seen a bunch of them.“ That observation was made by retired eight-time Canadian Champion, Rod Hay moments after the third go-round of the Canadian Finals Rodeo wrapped up in Red Deer Friday night
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The Thing About a Great Dog

Google says there are 900 million dogs in this world. Now, I’m sure you would agree that not all of them are truly GOOD dogs.

Dutch Oven Lasagna

Cowboy, Tim Hiller, learned to prepare food at an early age. He is a

Holiday Must Haves!

Get your loved ones what they really want this year – Don’t spend money

Cowboy Pasta Salad

This is a salad even the “All Carnivores” in your life will love! By

Out of the Blue

  By all outlooks, the big, flea-bitten grey didn’t have very many options. The

Valentine’s Day

Did you know? A horse can hear a human heartbeat from four feet away.


He has brought over a billion dollars worth of movie production work to the

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