If you want to talk about Women supporting women, agriculture supporting agriculture, Canadian supporting Canadians…
The Canada’s Greatest Cowgirl contest developed by the folks at the Alberta Stock Horse Association is absolutely where it’s at!

This inaugural event, held September 20-22 at the Claresholm Agriplex (Claresholm, AB) was something truly special to behold. Sponsored by Cats Picasso, the new competition to Canada featured four events; herd work, steer stopping, reining and fence work. AND the really lovely aspect of this contest was that boxing or fencing was available to competitors, as was the option to dally or breakaway rope in the steer stopping.

Competitors from all walks of life came to compete, with the youngest of them all coming in at the tender age of 13. Mothers, nurses, students, police officers, you name it. These gals have day-time identities that carry our society. And during this competition, they pinned each others’ back numbers on, groomed their fellow competitors’ horses in the hitching ring and cheered each other on…

It was incredible and possibly one of the most exhilarating events I’ve ever been able to observe. This competition was all about our people, our horses and our talents. And yes, there were a lot of amazing men, dads, husbands, brothers, boyfriends, grandpas too behind the scenes of this class encouraging all 20 of these ladies on.
I saw those men working the corners of the herd work.
Coaching from the sidelines.
Drying tears if practice didn’t entirely match up to the contention.
It was truly an extraordinary event for everyone.

Congratulations to:
Darquise Beauchesne & Bizzy Boon – Boxing Champions with a 288 Composite.
Melody Andrews & Freckles Little Sun (owned by Helga Roh) – Fence Champions with a 287.5 Composite.

I look forward to seeing where this competition will go. It was such a positive, uplifting experience – way to go Alberta Stock Horse Association!! My hat is tipped to you.
Also, a big thank-you goes to the Kendze Family for the amazing BBQ afterwards. You just can’t go wrong with smoked brisket, salad, fresh buns and mac n cheese after a big event like this.
• Rose Fire Saddles & Tack
• Frayed Knot Western Consignment
• Westbrand
• Edward Jones – Carianne Martin
• Jensen Silver Sponsored the Boxing Buckle
• Jo-Ann Miller Sponsored the Fence Buckle
• Sara Kalke
• Wedderburn Developments
• AJ Equine
• HB Leather
• Coast Performance Horses