Talk About Nice
Good horses continue to ring the bell as horse savvy buyers keep the demand strong on a better horse.
Good horses continue to ring the bell as horse savvy buyers keep the demand strong on a better horse.
From colt starting to newborn foals: here is an index of things I am looking forward to in the near future.
After finishing in the money on three horses at the 2010 NRHA Futurity, Shawn Flarida\’s official earnings total $4,023,885.
Cowboy mounted shooting becomes sanctioned, a new pattern for reiners, new class for jumpers, and youth and amateur competitors can now show a leased horse.
Some important dates for the year include the Open Rider clinic with Brent Wright and Reining Alberta shows.
Patti Carter-Pratt is an AQHA Professional Horseman who comes from a family with a long history with AQHA. And, she\’s a Canuck!
Les Burwash, manager of horse programs for Alberta Agriculture and Food, helps us understand the importance of good quality hay.
A farm Christmas party – Saskatchewan style!
Make your own handmade Christmas card with these step-by-step instructions.
My final in the series of great Christmas ideas involves taking care of the needy.