Just announced on the Horse Industry Association of Alberta\’s website is the news that there is aid for horse feed becoming available through federal and provincial governments. According to the post on the HIAA\’s site, livestock producers will receive funding to buy feed while damaged pastures recover.
The post states:
“Under the 2010 Pasture Recovery Initiative, livestock producers living in the eligible counties and municipal districts in Central and Northern Alberta and West Central and Northwest Saskatchewan will receive pasture assistance for breeding cattle, as well as assistance for other types of breeding livestock, totaling up to $114 million subject to size of the eligible livestock. It is estimated that there are more than 2.2 million breeding animals in the affected areas.
“The program will be administered in Alberta by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation, and by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture in Saskatchewan.”
The funding is available for breeding animals, and because equines are classified as livestock, includes mares and stallions, as long as the mare was bred to produce an offspring in 2010, or is a stallion; was primarily grazed on drought lands in 2009 and; were on hand at January 1, 2010.
In Alberta, the funding is only available for breeding stock equines which are bred solely for the production of meat or pregnant mare urine.
Payment for horses is quoted as $60 per head for horses, which notably is the highest offered for livestock. (Beef cattle and bison are $50/head, elk $25, deer and llama $12.50, down to $10 a head for sheep, goats and alpacas.)
There are forms available at www.afsc.ca and at AFSC district offices within affected areas for Alberta breeders. Saskatchewan breeders should check with Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. The deadline to apply is September 1, 2010.
According to the Horse Industry Association of Alberta, eligible counties include:
Acadia No. 34
Athabasca County
Barrhead County No. 11
Beaver County
Big Horn No. 8
Big Lakes No. 125
Birch Hills County
Bonnyville No. 87
Brazeau County
City of Calgary
Camrose County
Clear Hills County
Clearwater County
City of Edmonton
Fairview No. 136
Flagstaff County
Foothills No. 31
Grande Prairie County No. 1
Greenview No. 16
Kneehill County
Lac La Biche (Lakeland) County
Lac Ste. Anne County
Lacombe County
Lamont County
Leduc County
Lesser Slave River No. 124
Minburn County No. 27
Mountain View County
Northern Lights County
Northern Sunrise County
Opportunity No. 17
Paintearth County No. 18
Parkland County
Peace No. 135
Ponoka County
Provost No. 52
Red Deer County
Rocky View No. 44
Saddle Hills County
Smoky Lake County
Smoky River No. 130
Special Area No. 2
Special Area No. 3
Special Area No. 4
Spirit River No. 133
St. Paul County No. 19
Starland County (and Drumheller)
Stettler County No. 6
Strathcona County (and Elk Island)
Sturgeon County
Thorhold County No. 7
Two Hills County No. 21
Vermilion River County No. 24
Wainwright No. 61
Westlock County
Wetaskiwin County No. 10
Wheatland County
Woodlands County
Yellowhead County
Read the full story at the Horse Industry Association of Alberta\’s website www.albertahorseindustry.ca.