The annual Moose Jaw Cutting Horse Show was held August 3 to 6, 2017. Organized by the Saskatchewan Cutting Horse Association (SCHA), the first days featured the Limited Age Event presented by Barry & Elaine Good. These are the classes for cutting horses just beginning their careers and attract particular attention as it’s first time the three-year-olds will have ever been shown. This competition has become an important part of the program for many trainers and breeders as they develop these young horses for the major futurity shows later this fall. It also provides the spectators an inside view at what’s coming from breeding and training programs. Thanks to The Moose Jaw Exhibition Company for their facilities and the great footing in the Golden Mile Arena that really allows the horses to show at their best.
OBR High Cuttin Cat was very consistent for trainer and showman, Glen Beveridge of Valleyview, Alberta, scoring 73s in both go -rounds to claim the three-year-old Open Futurity Aggregate sponsored by Tinman Welding and Maintenance Limited. This sorrel mare sired by Third Cutting and out of the mare Kit Kat, and was raised by owner by Neil Lamoureaux of Drayton Valley, Alberta. Glen says, “She’s really smart on a cow and he’s really looking forward to making the full fall futurity run with her!”

The three-year-old Non-Pro Futurity Aggregate winner was Wild Lil Moonshine, a sorrel mare sired by Cats Moonshine and out of the mare JB Wild Wahine. Grant and Gale Aykroyd, Wainwright, Alberta purchased this fluid moving mare from Amanda Digness then Gale took the reins to train and show. Gale describes Wild Lil Moonshine as a fun mare to ride. She really likes coming to the Moose Jaw show. “It’s a good place to give young horses exposure as the experience seems to help them grow up.”

The Four-Year-Old Open Derby Aggregate three-way tie was broken by virtue of the high score of 73 by Hot Metal Smarts, bred by Sherman Minnie and now owned by Hollingworth Farms, Valleyview, Alberta. Trained and shown by Glen Beveridge this red roan mare by Metallic Cat and out of the mare Preppy Jay Bar saw limited showing as a three-year-old, is continuing her show career and eventually will become a part of the broodmare band.

The Four-Year-Old Non Pro Derby Aggregate also had a three-way tie broken by the high score. Mouse Ichi was purchased by Rocky and Heather Davis, Valleyview, Alberta as a three-year-old to replace a futurity prospect that had died. She was shown in the Fort Worth Futurity with moderate success but won Arbuckle this spring. Rider, Rocky Davis sums up this bay mare sired by Cat Ichi, out of the mare Leonilas Choice with, “Ya gotta love her cowyness and try!”

The 5/6 Year Old Open Classic Aggregate went to Monster Cat, a six-year-old sorrel gelding sired by High Brow Cat and out of the mare Miss Rey Hickory. This was another entry from Rocky and Heather Davis and shown by Glen Beveridge. Monster Cat has been shown in numerous limited age events, consistently making the finals. He was just brought back from Texas in time to be shown at Moose Jaw, followed by the fall run of aged events in Canada. Rocky says, “Monster Cat has never grown up, he thinks he’s a kid – very playful!”

Monster Cat came back with Rocky Davis riding to tie for the Non-Pro Classic Aggregate with his half brother Cats Lil Peptolena, who is also owned by Heather and Rocky Davis and shown by Rocky. Cats Lil Peptolena is a gelding also sired by High Brow Cat but out of the mare Peptolena Lucinda.

The 7 Up Non Pro Aggregate went to Reys Your Freckles owned by Les and Coreen Jack, Rocanville, Saskatchewan and shown by Les. This seven-year-old sorrel mare sired by Dual Rey was the first foal out of their mare, Bet On Freckles. Les started this mare then sent her to Tatum Rice in September of her three-year-old year in preparation for the Forth Worth Futurity where she placed fourth in the Limited Non Pro. “She’s been privilege to own,” says Les. He is looking forward to the two yearlings he has raised out of her, sired by Once In A Blue Boon.
Full results for the Limited Age Event and Weekend Shows are available on-line on the SCHA Website: www.scha.ca.