5 Weeks \’till Christmas: Great Gift Ideas

\"\"There are so many sweet Christmas ideas to share, I\’m running out of weeks, and now that I\’m actually on track with my week count (give or take a few days, it is five weeks to the big day), I have a few interesting sites (as in web), and views (as in sights), to share as we head into the weekend. If you would like to catch up with all of my previous ideas, you can begin the stream here. 

\"\"Beginning with views, I\’m heading to Texas next week, and while I won\’t be anywhere near this location (more pics here), Rancho Bravo is apparently, for sale. In the centre of exactly nowhere, it is completely a flight of the imagination listing, isn\’t it?

\"\"Sometimes I\’d just prefer my very own place like this to write, read, paint, walk and ride. Oh, and the time to engage in these activities.

Over in Fort Worth, where I\’ll be staying, the 50th Anniversary of the NCHA Futurity is in full swing. I\’m also breathlessly waiting to hear on guest blogger, Deanna Paulsen\’s update on a foursome I\’ve come to think of as our Road to the Futurity horses at the NRHA Futurity in Oklahoma City. They are our horses, aren\’t they, Deanna?

I expect she\’ll be checking in sometime soon to the My Stable Life blog with news.

\"\"At yesterday\’s sales meeting Charmayne showed us the western-themed iphone sleeves available at Zazzle.

\"\"My favorite, this vintage old leather reminds me of a small leather case my father used to keep his passport in.

\"\"For those who feel the need to broadcast a love of the equine in a whimsical fashion, perhaps these garage door covers? I think the world needs more of these, don\’t you?

Finally, grandparents, turn now and walk away from this blog post. It may become expensive . . .

\"\"Find this and many more vintage kiddie rides, sure to please many a grandchild, and if you\’re so inclined, raise some extra cash for the horses, at Kiddie Rides USA.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Remember to drop by the booth at the Canadian Western Agribition and purchase a Western Horse Review subscription (another great gift idea!).

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