Overall average price: $2649.00
Top 5 horses averaged: $5410.00
Top 10 horses averaged: $4795.00
Average price of 4 yrs & older: $3730.00
Average of 3 year olds: $2650.00
Average price of 2 year olds: $3011.50
Average price of yearlings: $1678.00
The 5th Annual Prairie Quarter Horse Breeders Sale, was held at Prairieland Park on Saturday, April 19th, 2014. A strong set of well-bred horses were consigned by people from all across the prairie provinces. This year the sale had over 200 registered bidders coming from all over the Prairies.
Dan Skeels and Ron Anderson kept the bids coming and the ring men: Joe Farris, Dennis Ericson and Greg Frick did a fine job of taking bids. The office was handled by T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. Equine Insurance was offered by Stockman’s Insurance and Dr. Sylvia Carley ensured that all sale horses were ready to be sold.
Once again, K & K Livestock Co. of Calgary, Alta presented a beautiful custom head stall and a bottle of champagne to the purchaser of the high selling horse.

The High seller was lot#32 Showdown Farrah, a sorrel mare consigned by Ken Layng of Minitonas, Man. Leonard Malinowski of Yorkton, Sk. purchased this fine looking mare for his daughter for the sum of $7800.00.
Showdown Farrah is sired by Whisper In Scotch from the Haight Ranch and out of a daughter of Showdown Zee.

Lot#30 WKK Lil Bar King x Smart Lil Marmoset, from Wayne & Kim Knaap\’s string of exceptional prospects was the Reserve High Selling Horse, as well as the High Selling Two Yr Old. This handsome & athletic gelding trained & ridden by Amos Abrahamson of Maple Creek, Sk sold for $5500.00. Ron Smathers of Sonningdale, Sk. was the victorious bidder.
Brian & Vicki Braun of Beechy, Sk. consigned a beautiful jet black, \”chromed up\” athletic and cowy gelding, Lot #27 Royal Shiney Blue, sired by Royal Blue Quixote and out of a granddaughter of both Shining Spark and Smart Chic Olena. When the bidding ended at $4800.00, Brian McPhee of Hanley, Sask. was the new owner. Royal Shiney Blue was the Reserve High Selling Two Yr Old.

Another fine consignment from Wayne & Kim Knaap\’s ranch at Maple Creek, Sk. and bringing the handsome price tag of $4500.00 was Lot # 13. Jim Rickwood of Biggar, Sk. was the winning bidder of this High Selling Three Yr old gray gelding, WKK Blue Berry x Smart Lil Marmost.
Lot #9. SDP Zacks Telewood , sired by Lenas Telesis X Doc Olena and out of a granddaughter of both Doc Tari and Freckles Playboy was another superb consignment. This awesome and talented cutting mare was offered for sale by her owners, Gerry & Sherry Moyen, of Zenon Park, Sk. and purchased by Dave Manning of Metiskow, Alta. for the price tag of $4500.00.
Dale & Carol Haight, Hanley, Sk. consigned a daughter of Royal Account – Lot # 28 Charging Tulip, out of a granddaughter of both Doc\’s Lynx and Showdown Zee. When the bidding was over, Lauren Tam of Saskatoon, Sk. was the triumphant bidder, purchasing this nice bay filly for $3400.00 – the Reserve High Selling Three Yr Old.

Lester & Kate Pryce of Okla, Sk. consigned some very nice horses sired by their stallion, Little Oakie Cat X High Brow Cat. They consigned the Hi Selling Yearling – Lot #43 Cats Smart Andy, a fine bay stallion out of a daughter of WR This Cats Smart, that was purchased by Les Jack of Rocanville, Sk for $3900.00
Kate & Lester Pryce also had the pleasure of consigning the Reserve High Selling Yearling – Lot#20 A Cat In The Henhouse. This well bred brown filly X Little Oakie Cat and out of a daughter of \”Rooster\” Gallo Del Cielo sold for $3300.00. After lively bidding, Mandy Quam of Grenfell, Sk. was the proud new owner of the filly.
Lot #19 Profits Julianne, sired by Profit Power out of a daughter of Showdown Zee and consigned by Dale Clearwater, Hanley, Sk. was another exciting offering at the 2014 sale. Lora Kampen of Rostern, Sk was the thrilled purchaser of this mare for $4200.00. Dale had placed 2nd in the barrel futurity on the mare at the 1st PQHB Barrel Futurity, the night before.
Lot #52 WKK Little Molly x Smart Lil Marmost, offered by Wayne & Kim Knaap, Maple Creek, Sk. was another wonderful consignment. This 2012 gray filly was a real eye-catcher and full of action under the capable hands of Amos Abrahamson of Maple Creek, Sk. Dave Manning of Metiskow, Alta. was the successful purchaser at $4100.00
A fancy palomino mare, Lot # 21 Cruzin On Q Chex x Shiners Q Chex – consigned by Lyle & Cathy Ludwig of Craven, Sk. was also a highlight of the sale. This mare was purchased by Sandhill\’s Stables of Saskatoon, Sk. for $3900.00.
Lot# 64 MJ Colonel Tanquery, a 2009 good looking brown gelding, consigned by Gerry Stanley of Biggar, Sk. was another excellent offering. This gelding sold for $3800.00 to Frank Gerich of Delisle, Sk.
Don & Rhonda Allen of Turtleford, Sask. sold a superior brown 2009 gelding, Lot # 15, We Wuz Shocked x Butzie Boon Bar WF X Mr Roan Freckles for $3500.00. He was purchased by Alyssa Ouimette of Stony Beach, Sk.
There were many additional, very talented and stunning horses offered for sale at the 2014 PQHB sale that were purchased by some very thrilled people. We are hopeful that many of them will return to compete in the annual Prairie Futurity.
The PQHB would like to thank all of our dedicated consignors for another outstanding bunch of horses for the PQHB Sale. They would also like to thank all of the buyers. They know they can feel confident in the horses they purchased. It pays to ride a PQHB Horse!