I went out this morning to snap a few pictures. I knew I had already missed the best light of the day, but I wanted to catch the mugo pines around the log house, which had overnight become completely weighted down with the heavy snow. I hope they\’ll spring back to their former selves.
The color blue permeated every photo I took today. I didn\’t bother manipulating these shots in Photoshop. Hey, it\’s blue here. That\’s today. I can\’t do a thing about it. It happens.
I hope it\’s not permanent.
I pray it\’s not permanent.
It might rub off on me.
Apparently it wasn\’t only blue at my house. In my e-mail box this morning were these photos from Barbara Degelman. . . .
. . . taken yesterday during a snowstorm near Touchwood Hills south of Wynyard, Saskatchewan.
Sometimes, I really have to wonder why we live where we live. It\’s crazy cold today! Frigid. There\’s got to be somewhere in the world, where our horses aren\’t covered in frost and snow four months of the year. Like Arizona. Or, Costa Rica. Horses reside there, don\’t they?
Why do I do this to myself?
And then the answer presents itself.
The response lies here in the beauty of a few frost laden strands of horsehair in a birdhouse.
The view of my yard from my bedroom window at first light after a fresh snowfall. Or, as last night, the ambient light cast by the three-quarter moon across the pasture.
There\’s something about these images that get me everytime.
And finally, because my weanling, Ollie, retains his hold on the cutting edge of fashion, color co-ordinating to suit the hue of the day.
And, thereby making my day.
I just love this guy.
By this time next year, I expect he\’ll be blogging about the next big thing.
Stay tuned.