Foretelling of a vicious southern Alberta storm couldn’t even keep hardcore western music fans away from the historic East Longview Hall last Friday and Saturday night.
It was a beautifully planned event by Delilah Miller, showcasing the likes of Californian western singer Dave Stamey, Turner Valley, Alberta cowgirl poet Doris Daley and Nanton, Alberta famed equine artist Shannon Lawlor. Held within the walls of the East Longview Hall, we knew we were in for a special event.

In a sea of expertly shaped hats and well-worn boots, the show couldn’t have pulled off western authenticity better. Doris Daley kicked off the
show reciting a small collection of some of her melodic tales, covering everything form the great love story of Flores Ladue and Guy Weadick to the conundrums of being a not-so-punchy cowgirl.
But we were all thrilled when the great Dave Stamey strolled up the aisle to take the stage. His very first time performing north of the 49th, Stamey’s performance kept the audience enthralled and giggling, with the perfect amount of both. His words flow like a hot knife through butter and, maybe most importantly, are truly authentic, ringing true to every fan there. It would be hard to pick a favourite of the night, but his Buckskin Horse song had a comical introduction, with a poignant message…

“…and she always wanted a buckskin horse and though life, can push a dream aside within the ranges of the heart there are miles and miles to ride if you ask, she’ll say it’s nothing, just a fantasy of course but like a secret hidden just behind her eyes there’s a buckskin horse”
But with all of the artistry flowing Saturday night, we were allowed a special treat when Ian Tyson meandered up the aisle to join Stamey in an impromptu rendition of the great ‘Bob Fudge’, flanked by two of Lawlor’s newest works. Two legends of western music before us, we all just sat and listened.

If Stamey ever decides to venture up our way again, make sure you get yourself a ticket and be in that room… and the trip out to the East Longview Hall isn’t that bad, either.