If you’re in the market for a new tarp, have I got an idea for you! Recycled advertising billboard vinyls are being repurposed as tarp material – for farmers and ranchers who want to cover hay stacks, make windscreens, or for use as a floor cover to protect stuff in the barn. And in addition to being a “green” tarp alternative, they are also cheap and effective.
These vinyls are super, heavy duty (20 mm thick and 13 oz/yd material) and they’re a heavier material than many tarps you’d buy at the store. (The commonly sold “Blue tarps” that you might find at your local hardware store are often only just 5 mm thick).
The billboard tarp material is 100% water-proof, anti-mildew and flame retardant. It is designed to withstand extreme hot and cold weather and in addition to its 20 mm thickness, the UV protective layer gives it extra longevity. Harmful UV rays are the biggest factor in deteriorating outdoor material and the UV layer will guarantee many more years of life. If the tarp is outside 365 days a year, it should easily last about 3-5 years.
The company who came up with this idea, Repurposed Materials Inc. which is located in Denver, CO, states that approximately 1/3 of their buyers are people who have used billboard tarps previously and want more because of how well they liked them the first time. And it’s a nice bonus to know that these recycled tarps are about 75% less expensive than store-bought tarps of similar quality. Prices start at $60/vinyl. Common sizes are 14’x48’, 12’x42’, 10’x30’.
For more information, check out: www.recycledbillboardtarps.com