Canada was one of 15 countries which recently participated at the 2012 American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup, held July 21 to 29, in Kreuth, Germany.
The Canadian team scored four gold and two bronze individual medals. Championship buckles were won in the cutting and hunt seat equitation events. One team member also claimed trophy spurs for the title of overall Reserve High Point Rider with 58 points. \’The Right Luke\’, donated by Chloe Shaw-Jackson, drawn by Team Canada and ridden by several team members, was the Reserve High Point Horse of YWC 2012 earning 51 overall points.
Team Canada finished in fourth place, with 98 total points. Team Italy was first with 144 points; Team Germany was second with 134 points; Team New Zealand was third with 110 points; and Team USA was fifth with 92 points.
AQHA Youth World Cup & Team Canada Background:
A major initiative of the Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA) is to co-ordinate and field a team to represent Canada at biennial American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Youth World Cup competitions. These competitions are educational, leadership-based events for youth members from around the world, culminating in showcasing skills learned in an atmosphere of friendly competition.
Each participating country is eligible to select up to five competing riders, two alternate riders and three non-competing youth (leadership members). The host country provides a pool of horses of various ability levels, which are subsequently grouped into lots of five horses each. During the opening ceremonies, teams draw to determine their assigned group of five horses. Teams then designate riders to compete in Western Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, Showmanship, Trail; Reining; and Cutting classes. Points earned by placing in the top ten of each class are tabulated to determine the overall team placings. Two sets of medals are awarded to the top ten exhibitors in each class – one per judge, per show day.
Team selection criteria are determined by each participating country, as is the method of funding team fees and travel expenses. Team Canada members are chosen from applications submitted to the CQHA Youth World Cup Committee based on selection criteria for each biennial event and is published on the CQHA’s website. Funding for Team Canada fees and travel expenses is cost-shared by AQHA/CQHA, provincial/regional Quarter Horse Associations, CQHA affiliate disciplines, corporate and/or individual sponsors, and team members\’ families.
The 2012 Team Canada five competing riders placed as follows:
Joannie Backes Carlsbad Springs, ON
- Hunter Under Saddle – 5th in Show #1; 9th in Show #2
- Hunt Seat Equitation – 7th in Show #2
Quinn Brandt Steinbach, MB
- Western Horsemanship – 4th in Show #1
Carly Epp Caledon, ON
- Western Pleasure – 10th in Show #1
Rianna Storey Cambridge, ON
- Showmanship – BRONZE MEDAL in Show #1
- Western Riding – 4th in Show #2
- Hunter Under Saddle – BRONZE MEDAL in Show #1; 5th in Show #2
- Hunt Seat Equitation – GOLD MEDAL in Show #1; and
- GOLD MEDAL in Show #2 = HSE Championship Trophy Buckle
- Reserve Champion High Point Rider YWC 2012 earning 58 overall points (received set of trophy spurs)
Haley Stradling Aldergrove, BC
- Cutting: GOLD MEDAL in Show #1, and GOLD MEDAL in Show #2 = Cutting Championship Trophy Buckle
The 2012 Team Canada alternate riders were: Amanda Daly, Pritchard, BC, and Stefanie Lepp, Rivers, MB
The 2012 Team Canada leadership members were: Laura Anne Berensci, Paris, ON, Megan Daly, Pritchard, BC, and Brittany Ruecker, Balcarres, SK
The 2012 Team Canada Coach and Team Manager were: Coach Della Cryderman, Murillo, ON and Manager Karen Westerback,Thunder Bay, ON.
The CQHA Board of Directors congratulates the entire 2012 youth team, coach and manager and their support groups both on site and back at home for their cumulative efforts. You were great ambassadors for Canada and we are very proud of all of you!
For more photos and congratulatory Facebook postings, visit Team Canada’s FB (Public Group) page!/groups/194707480629380/
And/or CQHA’s own FB page!/