Whatever your discipline, any competitive horse sport really is 20% sport-based and 80% mental.
One of the first clinics I ever participated in was cutting horse trainer Barbra Schulte\’s mentally tough cutting clinic. Here\’s a group shot of clinic participants from that day.
Yeah, it was a bit ago – March, 1997 to be precise. Phil, is that you? Kat? Man, I miss you guys. . .
You\’ll might recognize some cutters who have gone on to become cool and confident champions in the cutting pen, since this clinic a decade ago. I myself have been a fan of hers since. Barbra offers up some very powerful ways to improve your competitive game. Her mentally tough strategies are energized with powerful messages, tips and skills – not only designed for cutting, but for any competitive sport.
Keeping in mind Barbra\’s mentally tough messages as a foundation, I continue to develop myself as a rider, and improve my ability to perform under pressure and overcome the fear and anxiety which in the past, often ruled me prior to entering the show pen.
In fact, I still have Barbra\’s original three VHS set of Mentally Tough Cutting. There they are – right between Fantasia and Jurassic Park!
Of course, most of my fellow competitors likely have the DVD version. Either way, it\’s a great insight into mentally tough cutting. Video One concentrates completely on the mentally tough program. Video Two and Three – Physical and Behavioral Characteristics of Cattle and Herd Management Skills offer unique insights into reading cattle – a crucial skill in cutting. Other than the format of my personal copy, there is nothing dated about these videos, they are timeless instruction in strategies and herdwork we can all benefit from.
So, when Barbra announced she was in the process of expanding the original tapes, I wanted to let you know about it. She has a special offer on the current DVD and you can access it here. I should mention, this offer is only good until midnight, June 21st.
In case you\’re not familiar with Barbra\’s Mentally Tough program, here\’s a quick clip from the original tape.