From dream-barn makeovers, to do it yourself stable hacks, we turned to the Western Horse Review readership on Facebook to ask what their favourite tips and tricks are around their own barns. Here are five of our favourite barn renovations we rounded up, big or small.

1. Revolving Saddle Rack Wall. A revolving saddle rack wall is definitely #BarnGoals. When prompted, many of our readers told us that a revolving saddle rack wall was a must-have if they were to build their dream barn. The above image shows how, at just a slight push of the wall, your tack room can be transported from room, to work area. We especially think this is a fantastic idea for busy training operations.

2. Fence Post Bridle Rack. Old fence posts are a common occurrence on most farms and ranches, up-cycle them into a great bridle rack. From our Facebook Page, Corrie EZ Bales submitted this photo of her great do-it-yourself bridle rack in her own barn. Corrie says, \”We got this idea for our bridles from Winning Strides near Nanton. It is just fence posts screwed to a base & hung on a wall. Sure does keep them bent & tidy!!\”

3. Indoor Trailer Parking . Another of our readers, Brigitte Meyer, commented that if she were to build her own barn she would plan for a bigger blueprint. \”Doubling the size of the barn alley way would be nice, in order to be able to drive a rig in. You know, in the event of a rare alberta storm\” she quipped. This double-wide barn alley-way comes from Lynnman Construction and we love the trailer parking on one side, with stalls on the other. A great way to save your trailer from the horrible hail storms we all know too well.

4. Scratching Post. Have a bucket of old brushes in the tack room? We got a real kick out of this D.I.Y. scratching post. Securely fasten old brushes to a post and put out in your horse\’s turnout. We bet they\’ve never been happier.

5. Swing Out Insulated Water Buckets. This barn-hack was made for cold Canadian winters. The swing out theme continues with swing-out buckets, which can be used for grain, or insulate and use for water buckets in the winter. Ice chipping in the morning, be gone.
Have any other great barn or arena renovations we missed, or some genius barn or arena tips you use that you love? Let us know in the comment section below.