Chinook Team Penners take in the New Year and wave out 2011 with a round of competition.
Thompson Training Center’s annual Christmas/New Year’s penning was held on December 30th. The Top 10 teams went home with some prize money and the following lucky riders also received buckles and prizes.

Fast Times 1st & 2nd Go:

Chinook Team Penning will start off their season with the Cam Clark Ford & Trailers co-sanctioned event at the Olds Cow Palace, February 25 & 26, 2012. In past years, well over 300 teams from CTPA and CATPA have vied for the prize money and the great awards presented to the Hi-point teams, such as this year’s Irvine Tack Gift Certificates.
The CTPA season will continue with March 3rd being the first of three shows produced by the Okotoks Ag. Society, at their facility. Details of all upcoming events can be found at chinookpenning.com