CPRA Update-Flundra Steps It Up

Dustin Flundra has never missed a CFR. And after an $8200 dollar week to kick off the month of August, it appears that streak will continue for the Pincher Creek, Alberta saddle bronc rider.

“I think this is only my fourth cheque over a thousand dollars this whole year,” muttered Flundra just prior to accepting his championship buckle at the Strathmore Stampede Monday afternoon. “I won this rodeo once before on Zippy Delivery years ago.”

This time it was an 87-point ride on Outlaw Buckers’ bay gelding, Quittin Time that propelled the 12-time CFR qualifier to the winner’s circle.

“He lets you show off and do your thing. He gives you every opportunity to win first.”

The 32 year-old Flundra also split 2nd in Grimshaw, Alberta and finished 4th in High Prairie, Alberta to earn a total of $8,187 for the past week which increases his earnings this season to $17,516. Not bad considering the three-time Canadian champ has missed almost a month of the season.

“Anytime you lose any month, it’s not good but to lose the month of June really put me behind the eight ball,” explains Flundra, who was kicked in the head by a horse in Wildwood, Alberta on June 1st. “There aren’t a lot of rodeos going on down south so you can really focus on Canada and get a jump of qualifying for the CFR.”

Dusty LaValley has qualified for the Canadian Finals Rodeo ten straight times. And despite a much less rigorous travel schedule in 2013, the four-time Canadian bareback champion is well on his way to number eleven.

“I was hoping it was going to go good,” begins LaValley. “It’s worked for me in the past. You just go a little bit slower, have a good time when you’re there and you’re feeling one hundred percent.” He began the week by posting only the second bareback score in the 90’s this season. A 90-point trip on Kesler’s Double Dippin’ in High Prairie paid LaValley $1,298, one of three cheques he won last week for a total payday of $3,876. Jake Vold has the only other 90+ score this year, a 91.75 in the Ponoka Stampede bonus round.

Just six weeks ago, it was thought no one would catch Levi Simpson and John Robertson in the Canadian team roping standings after the pair won $8,800 each during a 16-day stretch in June. But Brett McCarroll and Clint Buhler had other ideas. After sweeping the long-go, finals and average in Strathmore, the Ponoka Stampede champs have unofficially moved to number one in their respective heeling and heading standings.

McCarroll and Buhler ($5,081 each) were by far the biggest winners in the event over the past week. In fact, twenty-two different teams won money from the four rodeos on the calendar. Other big winners from the week include barrel racers, Christine Loflin ($7,262) and Lisa Lockhart ($6.090); bullriders, Tanner Girletz ($6,141), Scott Schiffner ($6,098) and Jesse Torkelson ($5,361); steer wrestlers, Cody Cassidy ($6,201) and Chance Butterfield ($4,628); bareback riders, Matt Lait ($3,050) and Luke Creasy ($2,947); tie-down roper, Tyson Durfey ($4,359) and saddle bronc rider, Jim Berry ($3,452).

On the CPRA calendar this week are stops in La Crete, Alberta (Aug. 5-6), Dawson Creek, BC (Aug. 9-11) and a bull riding-only event in Elnora, Alberta (Aug. 10).

~ Information courtesy of the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association


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