Question: Tuf Cooper invited back to compete at the world’s richest rodeo after last year\’s fiasco is a bit of a head-scratcher for me. As, for that matter, is the invitation. These rodeo cowboys need to understand it’s a new world, one where abuse of animals is simply no longer sanctioned. Period. Cooper\’s apparent disregard of the intense scrutiny events like the Calgary Stampede are under, should have been, in my opinion, addressed in a longer suspension. If Cooper wants to whip his horses, he can just stay in Texas as far as I’m concerned. Don’t you agree, Doc?
Answer: Let’s set the record straight – characterizing Tuf Cooper\’s ‘over and undering’ his horse with the end of a tie down rope as “abuse” is akin to portraying Justin Trudeau’s now infamous “elbowgate” as the greatest MMA beat-down of all time. Yes, yes, to a West Coast \”progressive\” it’s a capital offense. Pamela Anderson might write a letter in protest (or try to write a letter. . . or, have someone write a letter for her). But ask any horse trainer worth his salt, any horse trainer worth his salt, and they will all say something like, “you have to get after one every now and then”. Physical correction (within acceptable parameters) is part of horse training and yes, it is part of horsemanship. Forget the warm and fuzzy movies, forget the charlatans, and suave peddlers, forget the money you wasted on nonsense “natural horsemanship” videos – the hard stark truth is horses sometimes require physical correction.
You can’t talk to a horse, you can’t reason with them, they are free from logic as we humans understand it. Horses don’t understand your soft coos, ladies, and they don’t give a hoot about your hollering, fellas. Horses are herd animals that work on pressure and release. Physical pressure and physical release. What Tuf did was not abuse, he applied pressure to his horse in order to obtain a response.
That being said it wasn\’t the place for it. Most \”cowboy hat with a whistle\” types sitting in the club seats at the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, don’t break, train or even own their own horses. Some of them don\’t eat meat, others bicycle to work, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say most don\’t own a pair of boots – leather or rubber. They see horses as pets – to be cuddled and spoken softly to like their cat, Jerry, on Thursday Greys Anatomy night. So naturally, when people see a big bad cowboy “whip” his horse they spit out their beer and squawk. No one expects to see animals injured, or hit, or even die – because in the minds of the viewing public, those things never happen. That is the reality of the Calgary Stampede, and frankly it’s the reality of modern rodeo; rural culture – all sanitized, distilled, corrupted, packaged and finally displayed in spectacular fashion to all the city folk safe in the fold of a comfortable urban venue. It’s a marriage of opposites – culture, ideas and philosophies – bringing the country to the city, and as with all challenging relationships, both partners need to compromise enough to make it work, but not so much as to lose what made the marriage worth it in the first place.
The Stampede board, committees and directors need to realize that their job is not to simply bend to the whim of Hollywood activists and PETA zealots. They have a responsibility to stand firm, to educate and explain ethical, yet practical realities of animal husbandry. However, in this case even ordinary folks may have cringed a little, because Tuf\’s display was cringe-worthy after all, which brings me to my final point. The cowboys also have a responsibility to realize that they are no longer competing in Terrell, East Texas – they are on an international stage with millions of viewers. Certain sensibilities need to prevail. In other words, think a bit. That means you too, Cooper. Just because your mamma named you “Tuf,” doesn’t mean you can’t use your head a bit more, and the end of your rope a little bit less.
6 thoughts on “Doc West: The Tuf Cooper Debacle”
Very well said. Someone is always watching who has a different opion, feeling, thought than you. All of us need to be aware of are actions.
I don’t mind that he’s back, provided he learned his lesson. As someone who’s raised, trained, & competed for 30+ years, I know you dont get anywhere without discipline – for yourself and the horse. Sometimes you need to correct them right away, sometimes you need to realise you’re the one who f***ed up, not the horse. Tuff screwed the pooch last year, not the horse. He buggered around in the box letting the nerves get to him – it’s happened to everyone at every level. When he finally got his $h!t together and nodded the horse lost confidence in him. Instead of taking his lumps and kicking himself, he took it out on the horse. In. Front. Of. Everyone. Yep the animal rights people wailed at Tuff. The Tuff groupies and low-level wannabes wailed at the judges. Yet pretty much every serious competitor & trainer who saw the whole run saw a rider get bested by himself and take it out on the horse. Hopefully he’s done some growing up and has a better handle on his nerves, for all our sakes.
If he was in Australia he would of been fined as well ,i have rodeod as well calf and team roping and have never done anything like that , do it at home if you have to ,couldnt be awelltrained horse if you have to do that in public . .
I believe it was called as “excessive force” by Calgary Stampede which never gets mentioned. It was media that started saying it was abuse. Which all the contestants know is not allowed.
Did the chuck wagon racers who’s horses got put down last year get invited back? I know they never got disqualified. I hear a lot about Tuf but nothing about the chuckwagons
D. Noble, I agree with your comment 100%. Discipline only when the horse is pulling your leg and not when you need to vent your frustration. If you are frustrated get off the horse and come back when you’re level headed.
On the other hand abuse is the most abused term of all, and most non-horse people should learn a thing or two about horse behaviour and training before shouting abuse.