In light of the wildfires in Fort McMurray, AB, Equine Canada (EC) would like to share the following update from the Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) with the Canadian equestrian community:
The Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) greatly appreciates the outpour of support of the Alberta equine community and have been assembling a growing list of individuals and businesses who are willing to open up their farms and homes to those affected by the fires in Fort McMurray and their horses.
The AEF will be doing all we can to update the equine community on the fire situation(s) as we receive them from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Emergency Directors and we are the first point of contact for equine updates.
We are currently in communication with the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association, Horse Racing Alberta, and many other provincial equine organizations to coordinate help for those in need.
At this time, emergency aid in the way of funds are needed for feed, water, transportation and veterinary care; these are of the utmost importance at this time. The AEF will match donations received up to $5,000. Donations of other items will be required at a later date to assist with recovery and replacement and the AEF will help with this coordination as well.
If you are interested in providing aid in the form of a monetary donation, feel free to forward an etransfer (Security answer: fortmacequine) to Email: [email protected] or contact the office:
Rita, 403-253-4411 ext. 7 or toll-free: 1-877-463-6233 ext. 7
The AEF is unable to issue taxable receipts, however donations over $250 are eligible for a taxable donation receipt and can be made by completing this donation form.
We encourage those offering to house equines to please familiarize themselves with Biosecurity best practices to help prevent a disease outbreak. If you are interested in being added to our contact list to help, please contact our office with contact information and the specifics as to what you can assist with.
The AEF sends our thoughts to all residents and evacuees affected by the fires and we will continue to provide support for our equine friends.