Following a series of meetings and discussions which began at the Summit of the Horse in Las Vegas, Nevada, in January, 2011, and culminated with a very productive live demonstration and documentation of technological systems at the Lindsay Livestock Auction in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada,- organizers are looking forward to forming an \”International Equine Business Association\” (IEBA).The Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada and United Horsemen of the United States share a common goal to mutually protect the welfare of the horse, strengthen the international horse industry, and to promote the use of horses and equine products in commercial enterprises.
The goal is to form an international and independent association that will be a separate and distinct \”business\” entity to deliver benefits to the entire equine industry. The mission will complement the ongoing nonprofit educational and charitable purposes of the respective existing organizations in both countries.
Initial services provided by the Association to all segments of the horse industry may include agnostic technological solutions that integrate with existing legacy systems to seamlessly provide enhanced capabilities such as DNA and other forms of permanent identification and traceability, veterinary records, show and performance records, and optional enrollment in the IEBA Do Not Slaughter Registry (DNS).
To provide these services the IEBA has contracted with Animal ID Solutions Inc., a Canadian company with operations in the United States. The Association will utilize Animal ID Solution\’s Global Animal Identification Network (G.A.I.N.) with data centres in Illinois, USA, and Ontario, Canada, to house, manage and maintain IEBA databases.
The Do Not Slaughter Registry is an important initiative that will be developed as a safeguard to ensure that no horse is mistakenly or illegally slaughtered against an owner or registrant\’s wishes. In simplest terms, IEBA will have agreements with horse meat processors to scan every horse for permanent identification before purchasing, and if the horse is in the DNS registry, the registrant is notified that the horse has been presented for sale to slaughter. If a horse already enrolled in the DNS registry is stolen, an alert \”Do Not Slaughter – STOLEN – contact law enforcement\” alert will appear on any scanning device used by horse buyers, sale barns, plant personnel, or anyone else with reason to scan the horse for ID and traceability.
Initial services provided to the horse harvesting industry may include the comprehensive Equine Quality Assurance Program (EQAP)–an industry driven and policed humane handling and food safety and quality control program–that builds on efforts such as the Recommended Handling Guidelines and Animal Welfare Assessment Tool for Horses, in developing certification programs for horse purchasing protocols, equine transportation, management and audit tools and systems for monitoring both the humane handling of horses at processing, and food safety concerns. The system uses permanent identification of live horses, and traceability of carcasses that include scientifically sound and rigorously enforced third party laboratory testing protocols to ensure the highest quality, verified safe, and pure products to the end consumer.
IEBA could also be in a position to provide comprehensive facilitation services to businesses seeking to start, or improve equine enterprises, particularly those businesses seeking to operate in any aspect of the horse harvesting chain such as feed lots.
In addition, the IEBA could facilitate industry services such as government relations and public relations; market development, market analysis and reporting; research and development; equine enterprise consulting including facility and equipment design; and more.
The first annual meeting of the IEBA will occur on May 29, 2012 in conjunction with the Second International Summit of the Horse in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on May 26-29, 2012.
For more information, to get on a list to receive updates as the IEBA moves through the formation process, or to become a charter member of the Association contact the initial co-chairs at the email addresses and phone numbers listed.
Bill desBarres (CA) [email protected] 403 529 7237 or 888 303 1070
Sue Wallis (U.S.) [email protected] 307 685 8248 or 307 680 8515
1 thought on “Eyes On International Equine Welfare”
The So called DNS registry is a joke and cover front to make folks believe they really care for the horses.
Far from the truth due to the South Western Cattle Raisers association which were in charge of this same procedure and literly failed and purposely ignored the promised routine of checking horses in the plants..
The slaughter process is a speed line and any delays hurts profits. They also were collecting $3.00 per head slaughtered. No horse was ever found stolen by the SWCRA. The history of the SWCRA started with cattle and then seek to futher their profits by doing horses.
The 1949 bill to halt horse slaughter was by the cattle raisers due to competition with beef. Yet the law was hiding and ignored until exposed. Now the Cattle Raisers want it back because its an Exported comsumption enity which will not hurt American cattle competition.
Anyone can tell you when there are no horse slaughter plants in the US and a market that is still in demand any careless irresponsible person would do this.. That includes elected Rep Sue Wallis of Wy which should be worried about her own states job market than worry where she will locate her investing plant so she can profit as a investor. Her own state opposes horse slaughter and Sue Wallis rather polute some other state and rake in the profits.
Horse slaughter is inhumane and only rewards criminals and irresponsible breeders that do nothing to help horse rescues in the US. Their history speaks clear for their future.