Fundraiser For Kelly Garvin



A few months ago, Kelly Garvin of Quesnel, BC was like most moms, as fierce as a mother bear when it came to protecting her children. Kelly is in the hospital now, facing a long uphill battle on the road to recovery. As she fought for life, her family gathered around, praying and urging Kelly to “fight like a mom”.


Some of us recognize Kelly as barrel racer Nicole Heppner’s mom. I would often see her sitting on the bleachers watching the barrel racers, anxiously awaiting her oldest daughter’s turn to run, her famous smile lighting up her face when Nicole safely crossed the finish line. Kelly is also mom to daughter Shelby and son Braden. As news of Kelly’s illness and hospitalization spread, the Kersley Horse Club began planning a Barrels and Poles fundraiser to help ease the financial burden for the family.

KHC president Chelsea Brears says “At gymkhana one night, Kathy McKenzie and Lori McKenzie approached me about having a fundraiser for Kelly and her family. Kathy and Lori are amazing fundraisers and a few KHC members started planning a fundraiser that night. Two weeks later (June 8th & 9th), we had the jackpot and it was better than we ever anticipated!\”


Facing up to a year’s stay in the hospital, Kelly is making gradual progress towards recovery. Her journey has been recorded on facebook (Healing, Strength and Wellness for Kelly Garvin) by her sister Holli Garvin and daughter Shelby.

\"Fight \"Fight

Chelsea Brears offers a heartfelt thank you to all who helped get this event together, Kathy McKenzie, Lori McKenzie, Dianne Erdman, Anna Johnson, the Alex Fraser Park Society for donating the arena, Tom and Melissa Sword, Pen-Y-Bryn Farm (the entire Nichols family) Wendy Lyons-Braaten, Judy Kenneway, Randelle Langevin, also to Barry Kopetski at the Sign Stop for donating the banner, Robyn Mumford for her time taking pictures and donating half her proceeds to the fundraiser (photos can be seen & ordered  at ), to the businesses, big and small, who donated the silent auction items and to all the Barrel Racing Family for attending the fundraiser and donating their entry fees. Thank you for being so amazing!

As of this writing, over $13,500.00 has been raised, an amazing testament to community spirit. Donations for Kelly and her family can be made at the Integris Credit Union under the name “The Kelly Garvin Healing Fund\”, account # 80313536 ♥


2 thoughts on “Fundraiser For Kelly Garvin”

  1. So proud of all of you for your compassion and hard work fundraiseing, for OUR Kelly and her wonderful family. She IS indeed Fighting like A MOM………. she has helped me grow through all of this, my petty problems mean nothing, when I think of her. I want to grasp a tiny bit of the strength that she has. Sit back and think, how lucky I am.
    So proud to be from QUESNEL!!!!!

  2. Heidi Petrar ( Bettcher )

    Healing wishes for Kelly from myself who was born and raised in Quesnel. I now live in Saskatoon and still ride and raise horses to compete. No longer barrel racing but enjoying reining and cutting horses. My heart is still in the barrel racing pen and probably always will be. Quesnel boasts of strong women with even stronger survival skills. I feel blessed to have been from Quesnel and grew up there amonst some of the finest people I will never forget. Heidi N Bettcher

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