Myers Training Stable – Leading Breeders In The Performance Horse Industry. The home of Leading Barrel Horse Sire Frenchmans Guy, Hot Colours si 102, World Speed AA, A Smooth Guy and Cowboys Cartel si 93 once again topped the charts with their semi-annual Myers Performance Horse Prospect Sale. Held east of Spearfish, South Dakota at the Seven Down Arenas, the sale featured 62 head of not only their own ranch-raised prospects but also a select offering from guest consignors.

Guys Best Bet, consigned by Bill & Deb Myers and sired by their senior sire Frenchmans Guy, drew considerable interest prior to the sale and during the preview. Leaving the ring after active bidding on a final bid of $56,000 from Harry LaToush from Kansas, the 2011 sorrel mare is out of Addicted To Cash, a proven producing full sister to Leading Sire Dash For Perks and she has produced race winners of $96,000. Also foaled in 2011 was Guys Sangria, a sorrel mare again sired by Frenchmans Guy and out of the AAA and AAA Stakes Producer Hot Brandi N Wine – an earner of $14,576 on the track. Guys Sangria is a full sister to the Myers Futurity Champion Guys Champagne Girl, an Arena Record Setter and Pro Rodeo Money Earner. Topping the bidding action at $35,000 was Copper Spring Ranch from Bozeman, Montana.

High selling two-year-old stallion was Guys Fame, a palomino stallion sired by Frenchmans Guy and out of Disarray si 89, a daughter of Dash Ta Fame si 113. The Frenchmans Guy/Dash Ta Fame cross has proven to be stellar. Guys Fame is a full brother to the Myers 2009 High Seller Guys Famous Girl, a two-time slot race champion, multiple futurity finalist in 2011 and the Nation’s #1 Money Earning Barrel Horse of the Year – All Ages-All Divisions with earnings of $125,000+. He drew a final bid of $32,500 from Ed Pfaff, a buyer from Wisconsin.

This Guyz A Leader, a 2011 palomino gelding brought a bid of $26,000 from Scott Gray from Canada. By Frenchmans Guy, he is out of Bugs Special Leader si 94, a Stakes Placed Winner on the track. One of the high sellers at the 2013 Sale was a weanling filly – Flits French Blondie. Out of an own daughter of Fire Water Flit and sired by Frenchmans Guy, the well-balanced palomino filly was consigned by Linda Rittberger and attracted a bid of $33,000 from Ron Young from South Dakota. The result of a donated fee and embryo, 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Lone Tree Bible Ranch in Wyoming.

High Selling yearling stallion, Dot Com Guy, is a 2012 sorrel also sired by Frenchmans Guy and out of Speed Dot Com, a AAA runner sired by Sixarun si 106. Having the final bid of $21,000 was Sitnal Livestock, Travis and Amy Lantis from Spearfish, South Dakota. He came from the breeding program of long time consignors Lance Robinson & Max Anderson from Utah. French Bouquet, a 2012 gray mare sired by Frenchmans Guy and out of Rimes Bouquet si 101, was the high selling yearling mare and was consigned by Robert & DelRae Driggers, Berino, New Mexico. She left the ring at $24,000 from Mike Hays from Louisiana.