The Equine Information Document (EID) became effective July 31. It is designed to preserve the integrity of the food safety of horse meat that is processed in Canada. Bill desBarres chairs The Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada and the Breeds and Industry Committee for the Alberta Equestrian Federation and is also an Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC) board member.
He states, “The purpose of EID is to make sure that no improper medications are administered to the horse in the 180 days prior to processing or indeed in some cases for his lifetime. Things like Bute are not permitted for processing, but there are many that have a 180 day period that it is out of the system and the horses are okay.\”

\”The Equine Information Document is a great process for people to keep better track of the health of their horses. They should be completing this document and keeping it up to date and it’s available on the Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada website The horses’ identification must be very clear and unquestionable. We have to learn about the horses that we’re receiving from the United States for processing and/or other countries, all of the information that identifies the horse absolutely and the medications that the horse has been administered.\”
~ Alberta Farm Animal Care in partnership with the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association.