In the September/October edition of the Western Horse Review, we featured Polocrosse in our Out West segment. The game is a popular and exciting sport for both participants and spectators. Recently the Canadian Polocrosse team ventured across the globe to Rue, France to compete in an international Polocrosse tournament July 27-29, 2012. Despite being the slight underdog at this competition, the team beat out the local hopefuls and claimed the 2012 European Challenge.

According to Polocrosse Canada, it was the first time our country had a team to compete against the European countries of Norway, France, Netherlands and Germany. How the Canadians would fair at this level of competition, was unknown. However, after winning their first game against Norway 3-14, the Canadians continued on their winning streak defeating Netherlands 4-10 , and Germany7-15, and finally the defending champions, France 9-14.

It was a tremendous victory for the Canadians who practiced hard before going to France and then continued to stay strong in the game. They overcame steep challenges including unfamiliar horses, wet conditions and a different style of play. This of course makes a triumphant win over such talented international teams, a sensational dream come true.