The Saskatchewan Paint Horse Club Board was elected at the February 16, 2013 Annual General Meeting. Ronni Nordal is elected president for the 2013. New directors include: Nicole Gauthier, Angie Morrow, Kerri-Anne Boxall, Tyler-Anne Boxall, Candy Schick and Dana Derenoski and some returning directors: Lorraine Beaudette, Stephanie McMillan, Bruce Martin and Laura Martin.
The directors have been busy and the 2013 will be a full year. The Lloydminster Spring show took place May long weekend. Our numbers were down, but we believe that was due to the never ending winter. We were lucky to work with Flax Premium who donated bedding for the stalls and the flax bedding was a huge success!

The hi point winners and sponsors, as well as jackpot winners and sponsors are on the SPHC website. A huge thank-you to the Durness 4H Multi-Club and their leader, Alison Weaver who acted as our announcer.
The next SPHC event was the Loud & Proud APHA and SHF shows held June 15 and 16 at Willowridge Stables in Saskatoon. The event was a success and thanks to Stephanie McMillan for all her work on that show.
Next up for SPHC is the Trail Ride and Outdoor Trail Competition to be held July 20 & 21 at Trails End Guest Ranch, Aylsebury, SK. Information and forms are on the website – or contact Laura/Bruce Martin for information. Hope to see you there.
Our 2013 show/event season will close with a return of the Harvest of Colours show to be held October 5 and 6, 2013 at Prairieland Park, Saskatoon. For 2013 this will be a 2 judge APHA show combined with a single judge Novice AQHA show, including grassroots, (AQHA approval pending) along with open adult classes and all breed jackpots (weanling, hunter under saddle, western pleasure, trail and perhaps longe line). Keep checking the website/facebook or contact Ronni Nordal or Kerri-Anne Boxall.
Many of our SPHC members just returned from the APHC June show in Ponoka and congrats to all their successes (which are too many to set out). Good luck to SPHC members who are on their way to the AjPHA World Championship Show – we expect lots of news reports!
Until next time – may we all keep enjoying our horses and may our horses keep enjoying us!
~ Ronni Nordal