Springtime in Alberta?


Well… you’ve probably heard the saying, “If you don’t like the weather in Alberta, wait five minutes and it will change!” Dry ground yesterday morning to a foot of snow today with more coming down… this is a fairly typical descriptor of an Alberta spring storm! We’re enjoying some much needed spring moisture, but with it comes the challenge of adverse calving/foaling conditions and poor roads for travel.


Out here in the hills west of Claresholm, the rain started about 5 a.m. Wed morning, changing to snow a few hours later… and it hasn’t slowed down much since. The benefits of the heavy wet stuff will, hopefully, translate into green grass and less expensive hay this year.

With the first Western Canadian-based barrel futurity set to run in Cardston, AB tomorrow evening, contestants have been worried about reaching the southwestern AB community – which from varied reports – are getting more than their fair share of the white stuff.

For anyone concerned about making it to Futurity in time for 6 p.m. tomorrow evening (Fri, Apr 30); rest assured that organizers have postponed the first go in the Futurity and Derby to Saturday morning (May 1) to allow entrants safer and longer travel time. The storm is supposed to start abating as the day wears on with winds and snow lessening by late this evening (hopefully).

Check out http://www.canadianbarrelfuturities.com for further updates.

Anyway, other than chores and snow removal, for this cowgirl, the weather provides greater justification to stay at the computer and blog, work on websites or start my next Western Horse Review column.

Until later this weekend, when I’ll be posting highlights from the South Country Barrel Racing Futurity, stay warm and dry!



1 thought on “Springtime in Alberta?”

  1. Hmm, maybe that “South’ Country Futurity might want to change its name to North Country Futurity. Good luck to all the barrel racers.

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