The North American Barrel Racing Challenge, a new and exciting concept,
has certainly caught the attention of the barrel racing community! And
when it comes with a chance to pocket $10,000 for each winning team
member, what’s not to like?
Set for September 4-5 at Brandon’s Keystone Centre (in conjunction with
the Northern Lights Futurity/Derby), the $200,000 extravaganza actually
includes a number of preliminary races leading up to the Labour Day
weekend Finals.

Basically, to qualify for the big race, barrel racers submit their
names to event organizers to receive an application. They then pay a
$500 entry fee which allows them to compete at one of the scheduled
preliminary races… four set for Canada (Ponoka, AB June 5; Quesnel, BC
June 6; Brandon, MB June 15 and Paris, ON June 30); and six scheduled
across the U.S. (for Perry, GA April 24; Stephenville, TX May 30; Cedar
Rapids, IA June 25; Rapid City, SD June 17 and Jackson, MS both June 10
and August 22).
Two groups of barrel racers move forward to the Finals: 50 Youth and 50
Open contenders (25 in each category from the U.S. and 25/each category
from Canada). The Sept event will see a Semi-Final round on Saturday,
Sept 4 with the top nine open racers along with their respective team
captains (4 time Canadian Champion, Rayel Robinson on the Canuck side
and two-time World Champion Brittany Pozzi for the U.S.) moving into
Sunday for the $100,000 Team Final race. The same approach applies to
the Youth (less the ‘invited’ team captains).
Event organizers include Manitoba-based barrel horse breeder, Jean-Marc
Perron and long-time barrel racng event producer, Jeanette Nelson from
Georgia. For race details and applications, go to
… more on this event in the June issue of Western Horse Review