For all the same reasons we kicked off our inaugural Best Babies 2010 Photo Contest, we pursue it again this year.
Because it’s a beautiful spring day. Because we await our own new arrival here at the log house. Because it’s difficult to think of any subject which can loosen the words “grab the camera” from any horseperson’s lips more readily. Because I can’t wait to show you the first set of submissions to our Best Babies Photo Contest. Because I fell in love with photographing foals when we had our first three years ago. Because I want to encourage you to capture those short-lived days of foalhood.
Send us Your Best Foal Shot
If your latest beauty of an arrival has you running for your camera, we invite you to share your foal photos with Western Horse Review readers in our 2011 Best Babies Photo Contest. Send your photo to [email protected] (along with a line describing foal’s parentage and location). With that you will be automatically entered in our Best Babies contest and eligible to win our fantastic foaling welcome package, valued at $200.00.
(Please note, photos may be posted on or published in the magazine. Contest runs until June 30/2011.)
2 thoughts on “Best Babies 2011 Contest”
How about a competition on poems related to horses for example:-
Our Horse, Our Joy.
A horse gives joy to everyone,
to those that ride them just for fun.
Those that race a quarter mile,
to those that do it Kentucky style.
There’s also those that trot and pace
and teams with wagons that love to race.
We also watch them run a steer
and buck a cowboy without fear.
We see them jump a fence and wall
and battle the breeds for best of all.
With elegance and rhythm we admire,
their magical movement they inspire.
With strength they show in what they pull,
from wagons to carriage they do it all.
Peter J. Hurst.
When are we going to learn the results from the babies photo contest 2011? We are hoping that it will be soon!!!! have a great day.
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