Extreme Cowboy Clinic
Rej Gariepy attended the Craig Cameron Extreme Cowboy Clinic March 19 to 21. He had a blast and came close to being invited to the Calgary Stampede Cowboy Up challenge except that his horse nicked the poles on the last jump which put him out of the running. Too bad because he had one of the fastest times. He wanted to share his experience with his friends so he put together his own Extreme Cowboy course in his arena at the GM Ranch for his annual Good Friday Fun Day.
We started off the day with a \”Cattle penning- GM style,\” but had to call it quits when the cows broke through the fence. But we did get Brother Bill and Shauna Wright as winners before the blowout.
We had a guest – Murray Dale who used to be a CTV news reporter make up a short video and post it on U-tube. Watch it here:
There was a really good turnout and there were lots of riders and ground crew and spectators, too. Everyone loved the course and the excitement and received the chance to try and rope a cow. Some succeeded, but then didn\’t know what to do with it when they got it! Both people and horses learned alot that day.
Congratulations to Murray Van Khoughnett for being the 2010 Extremely CRAC\’ed Cowboy. We are never going to be able to live this down and Murray won\’t let any of us forget that he is the \”Extreme\” One!
– Pat Hyndman, [email protected]
University of Calgary Vet School Tour
– Pat Hyndman
On March 24 the CRAC Club was able to take a tour of the U of C Vet School. We met at the School at 6:45 and we were fortunate to have Sven Pohl, whose parents, Caroll and Jurgen are members of CRAC, be our tour guide along with one of his instructors. It was very interesting and we had 15 members attend. Thank you Karl Hueneburg, for arranging this.
Airdrie Parade – July 1st
Get yourselves and your horses parade ready for the Airdrie Parade on the 1st of July and the Calgary Stampede the following week. Contact Rej Gariepy [email protected] for info.
Stampede Parade – July 9th
If you participate in the Airdrie Parade, or if you and your horse have done parades before you can join us for the Calgary Stampede on July 9th. Contact Rej Gariepy [email protected] for info.
Appaloosa Show – Claresholm
News from the Congress Show Committee:
Plans for the Congress show in Claresholm August 21 & 22 are coming right along. All four judges have been hired; the CRAC will pay for the two from Ontario (Jim Muir and Barb Hughes) and AHAA pays for the other two. I have applied for a grant for the show, but will not hear whether we are approved for the grant for another month or so.
A new class has been added to the Cattle events: a \”Rein/Box class\”, which is a Cowhorse class in which the exhibitor only boxes the cow at the end of the arena (plus the \”dry\” or reining portion), but does not take the cow down the fence. This will be an all-breed class, and we should be able to keep the entry fee down as it will require only one judge.
Also, we still need some volunteers for the show for various positions. If you can put in a day or half a day in Claresholm, please let me (Doreen Hooker (403)646-3023 [email protected]) or Monique know. Thanks.
2010 Trail/Events Calendar
Call Shauna Wright, [email protected], for further information
May 24: Mesa Butte (day ride) please note this is the Holiday Monday|
June 6 : Saddle Sorting(no trail ride)
June 12-15: The Gap
June 20: Horse Show and Buckle Penning (no trail ride)
June 26 &27: TBA
July 1: Airdrie Parade
July 8&9: Stampede Parade
July 17&18: TBA
July 23: TBA
July31/Aug1: Pack Trip to Wildhorse (Pack out from Cobble Flats, camp in tents, pack home on Sunday)
Aug 7&8: TBA
Aug 13-15: Elbow Falls Camping (Camping in tents or trailers we will have day rides leaving from campground 11:00am Sat & Sun for those who do not wish to camp)
Aug 21&22: Horse Show
Aug 26-30: YaHa (We are going Thurs. – Mon but you can go as long or short as you wish, as there will be rides going out every day)
Your Executive
President | Howard Maerz | 403-932-8972 |
Vice President | Pat Hyndman | [email protected] |
Treasurer | Sue Gatenby | [email protected] |
Trail Director | Shauna Wright | [email protected] |
Parade Director | Rej Gariepy | [email protected] |
Internet | Bobby Laidlaw | [email protected] |
Promotion and Booth | Donna Wyatt | [email protected] |
Secretary | Monique Plumb | [email protected] |
Newsletter | Gina Howard | [email protected] |
Horseshows | Doreen Hooker | [email protected] |
Marketing/Social | Shauna Wright | [email protected] |
Youth | Open |
1 thought on “Extreme Cowboy Goes Appy”
Hey, I just stopped by to visit your blog and thought I’d say I had a great visit.