We\’ve finally wrapped up our July/August issue and sent it off to press. Here\’s a sneak peak of the cover; it\’s all I\’m allowed to give you. If you haven\’t had a chance to subscribe, you absolutely don\’t want to miss this issue. We\’re running a Father\’s Day Subscription Special right now. Use the promo code WHRDAD2012 to receive a great deal.
Typically, there\’s a quietly composed lull after each issue. It\’s not on the agenda, it just happens, possibly because we\’ve been so busy for the past three weeks that we\’ve neglected to plan to this week. It\’s entirely what\’s called for – a time to catch up on work that\’s been cast aside during the frenzy of production – waiting e-mails, cancelled appointments that need rebooking, a lawn to mow, weeds to pull, gardening and flowerpots and beds. . . And then riding, the horses that need to be legged up and lessoned for upcoming shows. Going on here too is the tail end of school activities, exams, high school graduation and new territory for this family – university preparation for Teenager. The times are a changing at the log house.
But today, we\’re talking about boots.

Ferrini boots. The boots we\’ve been promising to give away for the past two weeks or so as part of our 2012 Fashion Shoot Steal. The moment has arrived and we\’re ready to name the winner of these gorgeous boots, complements of Irvines Tack and Trailers.
Congratulations, Toby Lukiwski, you have won the Ferrini boots pictured above. As part of the contest entry, we asked participants to name their favorite pair of boots. Toby\’s reply:
“Favorite boot to ride in, Justin crepe sole square toe. I’m having a difficult time retiring them. Dress up boot… I have a pair of vintage Tony Lama boots with butterfly inlays. They are beautiful! This pair would look perfect next to them!”
Toby, contact [email protected] within 14 days to make arrangements to receive them. And congratulations!
Thanks everyone for participating in this Fashion Shoot Steal. We\’re not finished yet, stay tuned to this blog for another giveaway item in the coming days!