The Voice For The Horse Foundation is hosting their first children’s writing competition this fall. The subject – wild horses! With curriculums for two different age categories – 12 and under and 13-18 years of age, the writing competition offers a wide array of subject matter that will in fact intrigue the minds of all wild horse lovers alike.
The competition officially began Oct 1 and runs through until Jan. 31, 2012.
The writing competition was inspired by Atticus, the wild stallion from Deadman Valley, British Columbia, who was captured in the winter of 2011 and rescued by CritterAid / Project Equus in the Interior of B.C. To create further awareness for the wild horse populations and the preservation of them across North America, Voice For The Horse contacted Saving America’s Mustang, where founder Madeleine Pickens responded with great enthusiasm for the project. Theresa Nolet from CritterAid / Project Equus has also equally embraced the program and its effort to bring about equine awareness to communities across the continent, to those both in and outside of the horse industry.
The grand prize for the writing competition is a trip for two to The International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB) the oldest wild horse and burro organization in the United States, that has been innovative in the field of wild horse and burro protection. ISPMB is pleased that they are able to sponsor an experience of a lifetime at their ranch next year for the winner of the 1st Annual VFTH Children’s Writing Competition! Under the leadership of their first president, Velma Johnston, affectionately known as Wild Horse Annie, ISPMB and Annie were responsible for the passage of federal legislation in 1971 that gave protection to wild horses and burros on public lands from death and harassment.
The competition provides a unique and free learning opportunity with the hope that children will have the ability to share their love for horses across North America through their writing.
For more information, please visit