Hello Folks! Today I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce to you, a young and talented friend of mine. Recently, she opened up her portfolio to us in candid conversation and we were shocked at what we saw.
Lacey McKelvie, age 20, originally hails from British Columbia. And at the tender age of 4, began dabbling in the arts. Of course, her skill would take a while to develop and it would be a few years before Lacey really began to pursue her love of drawing, but with determined persistence and an natural ability to capture perspective, Lacey’s skills developed to what we see here in \”Hickory\”:
Preferring to use only pencil, Lacey’s talent for defining and shading is so precise, some of her pieces end up appearing as though they are done in charcoals.
Lacey finds inspiration in the western lifestyle. She has been asked on occasion, if there is anything else that may appeal to her, for her artwork. But it’s the western way of life that has truly instilled her values and helped to shape the person she has become.
In and amongst the fence posts, horses and cattle, Lacey says she “…find[s] a lot of beauty everywhere I look.”
So why would she want to change that?
One thing she would like to strive to capture more of however, is emotion, within her individual pieces. As seen in the following “Cow, Calf Pair” piece, Lacey says this picture is one of her favorites because of the bond and love that shows so passionately through from the mother to her calf.
When she is not drawing horses, Lacey is often sitting aboard one. She lives by the motto, “If you don’t think you can handle a girl who can rope and ride, you’re probably right!” But don’t paint her with a saucy brush, because Lacey is one of the kindest people you may ever have the pleasure of meeting. Another of her favorite quotations is, “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”
Often the horses or animals showcased in Lacey’s pieces are actual animals that Lacey or her boyfriend, Corey, own. But sometimes, she takes on the odd commissioned piece as well. If you have a special picture you’d like to immortalize in art, Lacey’s email contact is: [email protected]
3 thoughts on “Pencil Strokes & the Western Way”
Wow! Beautiful work, Lacey is one talented young lady. Looking forward to seeing more of her work.
Jenn – loved looking at the work this young lady does – just beautiful. I loved the cow and her calf – so adorable!
Hi Jen,
Lacey’s pictures are beautiful.
Tell her thanks again so much for the one that she did for us. It’s the one of the horse tied off to the calf (above). Lacey drew this one of our stud, while Corey was training him.
The picture is now hanging in our kitchen.
Say Hi to Corey and Lacey for us and tell Corey the boys miss him.
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