Saddlestrings & Heartstrings Trail Ride


For the past seven years the Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society (FFAS) has hosted the Saddlestrings and Heartstrings trail ride as the signature event in both fundraising and festivity.

This year, 80 mounted riders enjoyed a picturesque ride at the Nelson ranch west of Longview, AB.  After the ride, over 185 people took pleasure in a fantastic evening of western hospitality at the Trail’s End banquet. “We’d like to thank Ralph and Jackie Nelson, plus all our sponsors, riders, guides, attendees, board of directors, staff and volunteers”, said Danna Ormstrup, Executive Director of the Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society. Over $25,000 was raised and it was a great event to promote the message that “Alcohol and Pregnancy Don’t Mix”.

“This event connects us to so many of our key supporters and the community in a way that makes it (the event) and the work we do very special.  This was the best ride ever and we’re looking forward to our 8th annual” said Danna.

In Alberta over 23,000 people are currently diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and each person born with FASD is affected for a lifetime.  Danna mentioned that currently more than 100 families benefit from the work the FFAS does and that there is a serious need in the community.  Working with individuals living with FASD begins at birth and continues for a lifetime.

The contributions raised will directly help the FFAS to continue to support rural communities in Southern Alberta and beyond…  The FFAS is a non-profit organization whose main office is located in High River, Alberta.  The Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society provides support to communities, families and individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).  Plus assists communities with the development and implementation of prevention and awareness campaigns, facilitates workshops for professionals, and supports families who are living with someone with FASD.  For more information, contact Danna Ormstrup at (403) 652-4776, [email protected] or


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