After Teenager\’s show jumping event last weekend, Wee and I spent the afternoon cheering on my niece, Lisa, who was competing at the Jerri Duce Philips Barrel Racing Classic.
This is an innovative and unusual event, which has the element of anticipation and excitement. You see, the very last class on Sunday is not only a money-added jackpot, but features an exclusive twist. If you are one of 325 ticket holders, and your ticket is drawn, you have the opportunity to pick any one of the horses which competed in this last class. You take it home. Done deal. You\’re the new owner.
I really like the concept of the JDP Classic. In fact, right now, I\’m a bit obsessed with it. I\’ve spent hours applying it to just about every other western riding discipline available, from western pleasure to cutting, and I see it working cross-platform.
Here’s the gist of it.
Three hundred and twenty-five \”lotto\” tickets are sold for $100 each, garnering $32,500 in cash. This lotto revolves around the final race of the day – the 3D Lotto Barrel Horse Race. Anyone can enter this race, there is an entry fee and this year\’s race featured a $2,000 added jackpot. Ninety barrel racers entered their mounts and competed. At the end of the race, all of the owners and their horses returned to the arena. The girls were amazingly organized and quick as a spit, 90 horses and riders were back in the arena.
The draw was made from the 325 tickets, and the winner allowed 20 minutes to take their pick of any one of the 90 entries in the race. Do I need to clarify the girl was not included? Good, you\’re with me.
Just as lucky is the owner of the horse \”bought,\” as he or she receives a $30,000 cheque, and has thereby just sold a quality horse for an excellent return. Are you seeing the possibilities of this in your horse sport? Yeah, me too!
But for a bit of rain, the Classic was blessed with incredibly beautiful weather and the setting is picturesque prairie.

I shot a great many photos, and we\’ll try to get them posted to the Western Horse Review Facebook Page as soon as we can, so be sure to become a fan and browse through them.
Internet world, meet my niece, Lisa.
There she goes. Lisa is an absolute barrel racing fanatic. She lives, breathes and eats it. And, I\’m so proud of her for constantly striving to improve her game.
Didn\’t we see this identical hardware earlier at the show jumping?
Okay, not.
I am diggin\’ the angora wool breast collar trend.
Tough dogs wear bling.
Teensy ones prefer pink.
And then, there were these girls.
These, these . . . . crazy little thrillseekers.
I smile and wave, while the mother in me screams silently, \”YOU! Get down off there.\”
Before you break something.
These kids can cause a mom\’s heart to pound.
Thanks, girls! You were wonderful. Amazing! Now please, WALK your horses back to your trailer.
Since they were all dressed up anyway, they came back and had their own barrel race. It was truly loads of fun to watch and cheer them on.
There were 90 great horses and riders in the 3D Barrel Lotto Race. And, it took a couple of hours to get through them all, but it was entertaining picking the \”good ones\” as they each went through their pattern. Next year, I won\’t miss purchasing my $100 ticket!
Hope you enjoyed this glance at a great weekend hosted by Jeri Duce and Lee Phillips. Remember to check in at the Western Horse Review Facebook Page for more photos.
2 thoughts on “The JDP Classic”
Wow that looks like a lot of fun! So who won and what horse was picked? I have seen this format done at a lot of cattle shows but never at a barrel event, very cool!
Wow – I can see this concept taking the horse world by storm!! what a great idea- and talk about an exiting weekend for all- competitors and spectators. And as a fundraiser- super idea. Thanks for sharing it with us.